Mingcheng Song

Dreams Are Not As Spatious As They Seemed


Very quickly I began to dread the empty spaces.

After taking a brief virtual tour around my old school, I realized that it was much larger than I imagined it to be. No wonder I failed at mapping it to any satisfaction, I didn't have  any grasp of its scale. I had thought that dreamscapes were meant to be boundless, or at least endlessly suggestive. But it turns out that once an idea takes form, it tends to gravitate towards other visible media, collapsing the blanks in between. Against the concrete forms, the gaps appear helplessly empty and void of substance. How to you fill the blanks with not form but potential (What's a placeholder)? 

Whatever escaped through the lapse of my memory was gone as if never existed. The cuts were clean, no trace no artifact. Contrary to my expectation, institutional authority didn’t translate to an exaggerated perception of space. We measure with our bodies and not our mind.

Or could it be about the interface. When you play god perhaps the first batch of creation can't but behave like toys. Conversely, as a passenger on the virtual street view, I could only be as tall as the van.

Xiamen Foreign Language School, 89 Songyu Rd, Haicang District, Xiamen, Fujian, China.